armor and customizable characters round out

Published on by john wilson

armor and customizable characters round out elo boosting the gear offerings, and the combined array presents a formidable inventory management challenge. You can slot weapons and items into quick slots to cycle through on the fly,

but even after a short demo session I was loaded up with so much stuff keeping track of it all was a bit of a challenge. You will be able to sell off or trade items in-game, with other players, or sell them off to a merchant between dungeons.

"We also have a kind of lobby, where you can meet the main quest giver, and you have a blacksmith who can buy stuff from you, all this stuff that you carried during the missions," says Kruczkiewicz. "He can sell you unique weapons that are ridiculously prized, so you have some motivation to earn money to buy them.

Published on lol boost

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