He said "I think [VR is] great," going on to note that he gets the same

Published on by john wilson

He said "I think [VR is] great," going on to note that he gets the same feeling using VR today that he did when he first tried Kinect in 2008. In short, he said he's excited about the future for VR, but said there are still hurdles to overcome. Microsoft is reportedly working on its own VR/AR technology, and even paid as much as $150 million to acquire assets related to wearable.

technology earlier this year. Eddie Makuch is a news editor at GameSpot, and you can follow him on EddieMakuchGot a news tip or want to contact us directly?Terms of the settlement were not disclosed, but Bang With Friends, Inc. said it acknowledges the trademark rights Zynga has for "with friends" and will change it corporate name.Zynga sued the developer behind casual sex app Bang With Friends in July, claiming the company's software infringes on Zynga's trademark for its "with friends" suite of games.

The Bang With Friends app was recently renamed "Down." The company is currently working on a new version of the app.According to the original complaint, Bang With Friends, Inc. "selected the name 'Bang With Friends' for its casual sex matching app with Zynga's game trademarks fully in mind."The complaint claimed Bang With Friends directly infringes on Zynga's games Words With Friends and Chess With Friends.

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